ℂ is for ℂomplex ℝ is for ℝeal ℚ is for raℚional ℤ is for inℤegers ℕ is for ℕatural


koch fractal vs cellular automata snowflake

kuramoto model - describes synchronization for a large set of coupled oscillators


Teste acentuação á é í ó ú ã õ ç 💡 - título💡

Probabilistic Numerics: the intersection of #statistics, #machinelearning and #appliedmathematics! The first few pages has me 🥰, I am going to gut this 412 page book this week and deep dive more into it when I have the #timenergy #ProbabilisticNumerics https://probabilistic-numerics.org/assets/ProbabilisticNumerics.pdf

“Faceless, I return to myself, to the purity of geometry. I awaken to the waterfall of wonder cascading through the Pythagorean world, from which our science, art, and religion once emerged, whole. To become elemental, I lose myself in the primeval form of things. This is discovery and emergence, truth and Event.” -source