other gimp plugins to checkout:


# where is plugins folder? Gimp/File -> Preferences -> Folders -> plugins
cd ~/Library/"Application Support"/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins
sudo chmod +x *.py

Hello World in GIMP Python

Remember: run chmod +x *py and restart GIMP to see the python plugins render!

now nano helloworld.gimp.py this file:

# !/usr/bin/env python

from gimpfu import *

def hello_world(initstr, font, size, color) :
    # First do a quick sanity check on the font
    if font == 'Comic Sans MS' :
        initstr = "Comic Sans? Are you sure?"

    # Make a new image. Size 10x10 for now -- we'll resize later.
    img = gimp.Image(1, 1, RGB)

    # Save the current foreground color:

    # Set the text color

    # Create a new text layer (-1 for the layer means create a new layer)
    layer = pdb.gimp_text_fontname(img, None, 0, 0, initstr, 10,
                                   True, size, PIXELS, font)

    # Resize the image to the size of the layer
    img.resize(layer.width, layer.height, 0, 0)

    # Background layer.
    # Can't add this first because we don't know the size of the text layer.
    background = gimp.Layer(img, "Background", layer.width, layer.height,
                            RGB_IMAGE, 100, NORMAL_MODE)
    img.add_layer(background, 1)

    # Create a new image window
    # Show the new image window

    # Restore the old foreground color:

    "Hello world image",
    "Create a new image with your text string",
    "Akkana Peck",
    "Akkana Peck",
    "Hello world (Py)...",
    "",      # Create a new image, don't work on an existing one
        (PF_STRING, "string", "Text string", 'Hello, world!'),
        (PF_FONT, "font", "Font face", "Sans"),
        (PF_SPINNER, "size", "Font size", 50, (1, 3000, 1)),
        (PF_COLOR, "color", "Text color", (1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
    hello_world, menu="<Image>/File/Create")
