Sylvia Bataille: A pupil of Charles Dullin, Sylvia Bataille's theatrical debut was with the agit-prop troupe Groupe Octobre, directed by Jacques Prévert. Her film debut came in 1933, and in 1936 she played her most memorable role in Partie de campagne (A Day in the Country) directed by Jean Renoir. Her final appearance was in 1950.
Bertolt Brecht / Jean-Luc Godard - more cinematic, less drama; Contempt, only works when he's engaging Hollywood the most
What happened to the Yippies, Diggers, the guerilla street artists, Epic_theatre, Lehrstücke, etc..?
Fritz Teufel - cultivated a theatrical, humorous public image—encapsulated in his idea of the "Spaßguerilla" ("fun guerrilla")
Why can't the "left" be as entertaining and spectacular as the right: my%20affirmation%20board%20includes%20outdoor%20theater%20and%20outdoor%20anarchist%20libraries
58:00 - dont be a regurgitator
Pascal Robert, Catherine Liu, ???