??????: 12. EPIGRAM 16. INTERROGATION 30. APHESIS ??. Tongue Twisters / Zungenbrecher / trabalenguas ??. Alfred Jarry's petaphor 0-1. anastrophe? 00. In philosophy, an aporia is a conundrum or state of puzzlement. In rhetoric, it is a declaration of doubt, made for rhetorical purpose and often feigned. 00. Symploce - In rhetoric, symploce is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is used successively at the beginning of two or more clauses or sentences and another word or phrase with a similar wording is used successively at the end of them. It is the combination of anaphora and epistrophe. It derives from the Greek word, meaning "interweaving". SCHEMES are words or phrases whose syntax, sequence, or pattern occurs in a manner that varies from an ordinary usage: 11. PUN 13. ANTITHESIS 15. LITOTES or understatements 18. CLIMAX 19. ANTICLIMAX OR BATHOS 20. ALLITERATION 21. ONOMATOPOEIA 24. ANAPHORA 26. ASSONANCE/CONSONANCE 28. CHIASMUS TROPES are words or phrases whose contextual meaning differs from the manner or sense in which they are ordinarily used: 1. SIMILE 2. METAPHOR 3. PERSONIFICATION 4. METONYMY - Metonymic Axis of Language: On the one hand, the idea of linearity suggests that the signifying chain is the stream of speech, in which signifiers are combined in accordance with the laws of grammar -- which Saussure calls "syntagmatic" relationships, and Lacan, following Jakobson, locates on the metonymic axis of language. 5. APOSTROPHE 6. HYPERBOLE or overstatements 7. SYNECDOCHE 8. TRANSFERRED EPITHETS / hyallage 9. EUPHEMISM 10. IRONY OR SARCASM 14. OXYMORON 17. EXCLAMATION 22. CIRCUMLOCUTION 23. TAUTOLOGY OR PLEONASM 25. ANTIMETABOLE 27. PARADOX LANGUAGES WOW/PHRASES/BOOKS The Twenty-three figures of speech are as follows: 1. SIMILE 2. METAPHOR 3. PERSONIFICATION 4. METONYMY 5. APOSTROPHE 6. HYPERBOLE or overstatements 7. SYNECDOCHE 8. TRANSFERRED EPITHETS 9. EUPHEMISM 10. IRONY OR SARCASM 11. PUN 12. EPIGRAM 13. ANTITHESIS 14. OXYMORON 15. LITOTES or understatements 16. INTERROGATION 17. EXCLAMATION 18. CLIMAX 19. ANTICLIMAX OR BATHOS 20. ALLITERATION 21. ONOMATOPOEIA 22. CIRCUMLOCUTION 23. TAUTOLOGY OR PLEONASM 24. anaphora 25. antimetabole 26. assonance/consonance 27. onomatopoeia 28. paradox 29. Chiasmus 30. aphesis Las Veintitrés figuras retóricas son las siguientes: 1. SÍMIL 2. METÁFORA 3. PERSONIFICACIÓN 4. METONIMIA 5. APÓSTROF 6. HIPÉRBOLA o exageraciones 7. SINÉCDOQUE 8. EPITETOS TRANSFERIDOS 9. EUFEMISMO 10. IRONÍA O SARCASMA 11. JUEGO DE JUEGOS DE JUEGOS 12 EPIGRAMA 13. ANTÍTESIS 14. OXIMORÓN 15. LITOTAS o subestimaciones 16. INTERROGACIÓN 17. EXCLAMACIÓN 18. CLIMAX 19. ANTICLIMAX O BATHOS 20. ALITERACIÓN 21. ONOMATOPEIA 22. CIRCUMLOCUCIÓN 23. TAUTOLOGÍA O PLEONASM 24. anáfora 25. antimetabolismo 26. as /consonancia 27. onomatopeya 28. paradoja 29. quiasmo 30. afesis Les Vingt-trois figures de style sont les suivantes : 1. SYMILE 2. METAPHORE 3. PERSONNIFICATION 4. METONYMY 5. APOSTROPH 6. HYPERBOLA ou exagérations 7. SYNECDOCHE 8. EPITETS TRANSFERES 9. EUPHEMISME 10. IRONIE OU SARCASME 11. JEU DE JEUX DE JEUX 12 ÉPIGRAMME 13. ANTITHÈSE 14. OXYMORON 15. LITOTAS ou sous-estimations 16. INTERROGATION 17. EXCLAMATION 18. CLIMAX 19. ANTICLIMAX OU BATHOS 20. ALTÉRATION 21. ONOMATOPÉE 22. CIRCONLOCUTION 23. TAUTOLOGIE OU PLÉNASME 24. Anaphore 25. Antimétabolisme /consonance 27. onomatopée 28. paradoxe 29. chiasme 30. aphèse Die dreiundzwanzig Redewendungen lauten wie folgt: 1. Gleichnis 2. Metapher 3. Personifikation 4. Metonymie 5. Apostroph 6. Übertreibung oder Übertreibung 7. Synecdoche 8. übertragene Epitheta 9. Euphemismus 10. Ironie oder Sarkasmus 11. Wortspiel 12 EPIGRAMM 13. ANTITHESE 14. OXYMORON 15. LITOTES oder Untertreibungen 16. VERHÖRUNG 17. AUSRUF 18. HÖHE 19. ANTICLIMAX ODER BATHOS 20. ALITERATION 21. ONOMATOPÖIE 22. CIRCULOCUTION 23. TAUTOLOGIE ODER PLEONASMUS 24. Anaphora 25. Antimetabolanz /Konsonanz 27. Lautmalerei 28. Paradoxon 29. Chiasmus 30. Aphesis
My lingering questions: Are there 255 figures of speech in the Cantonese and Mandarin languages? What about contructed languages such as Esperanto, are there any authors who have explored these 255 figures of speech or have discovered/theorized more?